Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hi again...

I don't have to work today so I am catching up on things that have been put on the backburner for awhile.

I am currently waiting for a job application to be reviewed so I can get this job I really want. Prayers would be appreciated since the money situation will be getting pretty thin in a month or so, just before Christmas.

The divorce is final and actually was super fast. He and I are still talking. It's strange cause now I am receiving email forwards from him about stuff that he knew I hated to get when we were married. It's like he wanted out and just be friends....
I can't do that. I need to move on and I am doing that without him.

The kids are doing well. The ex is not talked about and not really an issue. We have other issues that we are dealing with at the moment which have long standing consequences but they will all be worked out eventually too. It involves their father so that is a neverending dilemma.

My wish for all is to have a great upcoming holiday season. It's coming fast and will be here before we know it. Winter storms, ice, snow, down right blistery cold days are all the lovely things that we are going to have to endure the next 4-5 months. I am trying to gear up for it the best I can. We'll see what happens.

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Geeze, Andi....that was really quick. Send me an email when you can. We'll talk. You must have been through a lot.

Jennifer said...

Good to see a post from you on your blog today! I'd been wondering if you'd fallen off the face of the earth with the blogging and facebooking.

Denise Mall said...

Was that three months? Glad you are doing okay. Keep your chin up and enjoy each day.

Andi said...

Things are in flux right now with info. I am doing well. I am so glad I still have followers though.

Andi said...

Dedicated~Actually, the divorce took 21 days from filing to being done. Had to sign court papers and that was it. Really a tragedy getting a divorce so quickly in our lovely state....My finances are at a standstill right now. Gotta get back into the groove so I don't screw something up really bad.