Monday, April 12, 2010

A month later...

I am pleased and happy to announce that there is a wedding in my future. My girl, asked me to marry her Friday night. I graciously accepted and then I went and asked her hte same thing. She accepted also and we exchanged rings. The wedding is planned in the future but we don't exactly know when because while scouting for reception venues, we got the feeling that the date we had picked out, just wasn't soon enough. We'll see how that goes, but I am sure that when it happens, I'll let the important people in my life know...

I have no description of how I feel about her. I have been married twice before to men and I have never felt the love, trust, security, and utter devotion from any person, even my own parents or born into family than I do from her. I look at her and swoon. She makes my life full and exciting. She pushes me to do things out of the box so that I grow in experiences and grow in a love for life, and all the beautiful things life has to offer. I have gone to museums, eaten exotic food, traveled to places that I never even thought of going to before I met her. She is so good for me and my family. I am truly blessed!

And that is my update for today. Going to work out in the garden today, since the weather is going to be GORGEOUS!!

Til later!


Wendy said...

Congratulations! I wish you both every happiness. Now, let's work on finding the perfect woman for me...

Jajha Tundanuch said...

So cool!! You've found the right person. I hope you two love each other as long as you can. ^^

John said...

Congratulations... :-)

ndanton said...

I have been blog-trolling tonight (first time doing it, pretty interesting). Anyway, I was glancing at your blog and just wanted to say hope things are starting to work out with your kids. They should come around if they haven't already, but the most important thing is that you're happy and have found someone to love!

I say this as the daughter of someone who "came out of the closet" a couple of years ago. Similar-seeming story - loveless heterosexual marriage, loving homosexual relationship. I think it's absolutely wonderful and am happy for you and my own mother!

delsquared said...

congrats, good luck with it. I know a woman who was married to a man in the past who it wouldn't surprise me at all if her next marriage was to a woman.