Sunday, October 19, 2008

My last day in NYC!

I am waiting for my friends to get to my hotel so we can have one last special time together. It has been SO WONDERFUL here with them, I am dying inside because I have to say good bye to them later today.

We have laughed, loved, talked, and had an amazing time. The NYC subway system is...interesting, to say the least. But most of the New Yorkers that we have encountered were super friendly and very eager to help in any way. The food was spectacular and filling. The accomodations were warm and friendly! I don't want to leave!!!!!!

I will be filming most of the day since my memory fades and my digital images are far more reliable.

I'll upload pictures tomorrow after work. I love NEW YORK and I love the friends that brought me here to begin with. Hugs and kisses to you three. It was an *amazing* lifetime experience.

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