Sunday, August 10, 2008

The creative side in me has also been released....

I have become aware of my softer side opening. A special friend has awoken a trait in me that I had far forgotten and lost. I used to write poetry in my youth and write stories too about things in my life. I have, in the past week, let my senses go and explored some of those talents again. I like what I see and I feel a sense of accomplishment when I read my new work. I am telling this here since it is a very personal matter. I write for people and for the situation that is in front of me. I can't whip out a poem or story on a whim. It has to be set in a dream or felt in the pit of my stomach. When I do put pen to paper, I let go and my fingers write it. If I were to take the finished product away for a week or two and someone else would bring it back then, I would not have remembered that I wrote it. It truly is a sobering experience to do some magnificent work and then not remember.

I won't post my writing, but I wanted to share that I am going through an awesome experience, a learning and insightful experience that has no rhyme or reason. I thank God that this newly renewed talent has been realized again.

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