Papers are already signed and fingerprints are being checked and I start tomorrow at 8:15 am. Mon-Fri 8-5 admin. asst. job for a financial advisor in a well known company where I live.
I actually got a job doing what my degree says I can. I am so thrilled but yet I am still in shock mode. Went to Kohls and bought some more dress pants as I have shirts hanging in my closet that will work with the office environment.
I didn't hold my breath on this interview last week and then he called last night and wanted to see me this morning. He said "I have good news and I have better news.." and that is when I shut down in disbelief. I barely heard the rest of the things he said until he had tax papers in front of me.
I will tell you how the first day goes. He says tomorrow will be like taking a drink of water from a fire hose. So much info given that I won't know which is up or down for the first week. I am hoping and praying that it is not that difficult and that I catch on really quickly.
I am psyched for the new opportunity and am blessed at having such great and wonderful people surrounding me with love and support when I was still unemployed.
Yeah, I am not unemployed anymore!!!!!!!! I have a job and that is a wonderful thing in this day and age and economy.
OH MY GOD!!!!!
See, I told you so!!!!!!
WOW!!!! Thank the Lord.
Andi, trust me...I was praying for you. I was saying "lord, please....that girl is trusting in you and believing in you and I told her you would come through for her. Don't let her down"
And He didn't.
You go girl. It's a miracle, yes, in this economy.
Praise God.
It's a shame that you are in NY when I am here in St. Louis. Maybe one day we will be able to get together and chat through our miraculous upheavals in life. Thank you so much for the support you have given me these past (what is it)couple of years? Wow! Time does fly...LOve ya, Cinzea. I love your name, have I told you that lately? :)
Hey, Hey, Hey! Congratuations on the new job. Go get em!! Prayers going up.
WOO HOO!!! That's fabulous news! I bet you're so excited and a little scared to be entering the workforce after so many years. (Not that you haven't been working all along, of course!) Congratulations!!!
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