Friday, January 23, 2009

Whoa! Didn't mean to stay away that long...

You know what they say about time moving faster the older you get. Since I got facebook, I post on there more and let that be my forum. I know a lot of stuff happened but for the life of me, I have no clue what. I cleaned drawers, bathroom closets, threw away a TON of trash, junk, and papers that were shredded.

I still have to do Arielle's room, the neverending cabinet of plastic tupperware and odd essentials that has to be sorted through. I have to clean out the fridge.

I worked Wednesday and yesterday and loved it and that was a good thing because last night Arielle woke me up screaming that her tummy hurt. She threw up at 5am and I called the schools and told them that neither one of us were going out today. So, I am catching up on bills, playing a bit with the girl and settling in for the weekend.

I went to Walmart yesterday and Aldis to get some essentials. I spent $15 at Walmart (a miracle by my usual standards) and only $23 at Aldis. Not bad for the last half of the month.

Anyway, OOpss...Arielle is mad at her DS video game again. She hates it, darn that game.. Stupid.. (I laugh...) Oh my baby is crying because her game made her lose...

My poor baby....Til later...!


Anonymous said...

missed you.

Denise Mall said...

Poor Arielle! Hope she feels better soon. Thanks for your kind words, I'll be fine - I'm just sad. A lot of bad too close together and I am an emotional idiot. Sometimes, I would like to be more of the other side of my brain. But I am what I am.

Andi said...

Arielle is better, was after 11 am but she was a pain in the car so I made her stay in her room awhile to cool down. She apologized which was good.