Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I am up, hubby is still sleeping and the kids are at their fathers until tonight at 10pm. We'll open all the presents then.

We had a wonderful time with the family this week, and makes me want them all to live closer so we can do it more often. The kids played nicely and the food was excellent and the laughter from stories and watching the new baby was contagious. We did have a few sicknesses that brought down a few family members but yesterday, the house was full with everyone (except my hubby, who had to work) for a musical recital from some very talented family members and the Christmas Story being read out of the Bible before the family got to open presents. The kids, all 17 of them, loved it. They all got the present they had asked "Santa" for. And the adults were pleasantly surprised with their exchange gifts too.

Today we are eating with family again and I have to get my part going. I'll probably post later tonight or tomorrow with the gift tally for the kids.

Hope your day goes well and stay safe. Half of the United States is having a white Christmas! Some of you may grumble by that news but it is Christmas and winter after all. Love to ALL!!!

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