Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's a week til Christmas.,,,

I have to wrap and bake cookies but that is about all I still have to do to get ready for the holiday. The kids are going to be at thier dads this weekend so I can get that stuff done. Hubby's family is coming into town this weekend also. All the cousins will be here, all 25+ family members are converging in on Illinois to celebrate the first granddaughter of the oldest sister on his side. Plus Mom and Dad are getting up in years and the whole family being together means pictures.

Arielle and I went to the mall last night to see Santa. It's probably her last year for pictures with Santa. For one 3x5 and two keychains, it cost $17.00. They have a standing rule that no personal pictures are allowed to be taken so I bit the bullet and bought the cheapest package. In 12 years when she graduates high school, and leaves home, I know I'll look at that picture and remember the smile and the fun time we had that day. The money won't matter and it really shouldn't matter now. I am just glad that technology has grown and now there are scanners, digital photography and the delete button for those stupid pictures that got developed and paid for so many years ago. Who can forget the pictures that were blurry, dark, too far away, off shot, red eye, or just plain goofy! And we paid for them to be developed. Talk about wasted money! So, paying $17 at the mall for a Santa picture in 2008 is not that bad after all.

I found a new addiction. It's called I know some of you have heard of it. I have found people who I lived by and grown up with. People from my past that I never thought I would talk to again. If they have a facebook account, they can be found. And most are happy to talk. I found a lot of my past friends from high school, I have 2 former boyfriends on there that are doing very well in thier life. I have friends that live 2 miles down the road that I keep in contact with over facebook better than I can in real life or over a phone line. Life is just too busy sometimes but facebook is available 24/7 where as if you call someone at 1:38am, they'd be a little ticked at you for waking them up. 2 out of 3 friends from my NYC trip are on Facebook. Little snippets of life are displayed for friends to see and to keep in contact with. It is so cool! If you don't have one, it's also good for networking.

Well, today I guess, I am spending at home. I worked yesterday at a school but no phone call yet today so it may not happen. I have been called for work later than this, but it's rare. So, I will enjoy the day, stay indoors since it is 20* outside and get some work done around here.

Hope you all have a great day! Talk to you later!


Denise Mall said...

Doesn't it feel good to be done shopping? I am also finally done, less gas cards and baking, which are both easy and fun!

Have a Merry Christmas Andi!

Andi said...

You too, let the stress melt away with the warmth and smell of baking cookies and desserts. Tell your brother to keep the bad news to himslef until after the new year. Lets leave 2008 happy and warm and then we can tackle 2009 after the holidays are over.