Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm unemployed....for 5 days...

and then I sub for the school district. I won't bore you with the details of my last day, but I left crying and I will miss a few select people. The rest of them...well, they can work at their job and not worry about me anymore.

Onwards and upwards!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I am most thankful for the friends I have, the people I have met the past year, the lessons I have learned, and the trials that have taught me valuable things about myself that I did not know before.

Who else is shocked to realize that next week is December? *Seeing hands raised*. Yes, me too. Where did it go? I have gone shopping but my budget is considerabley smaller than last year and the economy is one of the reasons why. My angels will have one big present (already bought), 3-4 small ones and 2-3 will be clothes. Sorry guys, but this year it must be that way....

I already want January to be here. But with December starting on a Monday.. maybe I can pretend that it's the start of something new...yeah, that is what I am going to do. Monday, Dec 1 will be a new start....LOL!

Ask me again December 10 and see how I am progressing in my "new" life.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving.